The DISCSEEL® Procedure is not right for everyone. To determine if you’re a candidate, Dr. Pecherek will assess the following:
Presence of Annular Tears
The primary cause of Leaky Disc Syndrome and chronic pain in the neck or back is often the presence of annular tears in your spinal discs. During your MRI Review, Dr. Pecherek will evaluate your MRI and Annulargram™ results to determine whether annular tears are contributing to your pain. If tears are present, the DISCSEEL® Procedure may be a highly effective treatment option.
Your Medical History and Previous Treatment
Dr. Pecherek will review your medical history and any prior treatments you’ve tried, such as physical therapy, medications, injections, or even previous spine surgeries like fusion or discectomy. If these treatments have not provided lasting relief, the DISCSEEL® Procedure may be a viable alternative that addresses the underlying cause of your symptoms.
Your Pain and Its Impact on Daily Life
Understanding the extent to which pain impacts your mobility, work, and quality of life is crucial. If your pain is persistent and has not responded to conservative treatments, the DISCSEEL® Procedure may offer a long-lasting solution by addressing the annular tears causing your discomfort.